Tuesday 3 June 2008

Madonna Says Britney Spears Is Troubled Because 'She Was Never Allowed To Have A Childhood'

Madonna told BBC Radio on Tuesday that Britney Spears' recent problems are at least partially due to her career-oriented early years.

"I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that she was never allowed to have a childhood," Madonna said, according to People.com. "She didn't get to grow up and make mistakes privately and try things out and just be a kid and be innocent. She's been watched, judged and been under a microscope since she's been a teenager. It's hard to evolve that way."

Madonna said her own children are "over" her fame. "They come to the rehearsals, but they're sort of over it. They like to skateboard around."

She said they actually protest her rigid work schedule. "[They say,] 'When are you coming home?' 'Why are you always working?' 'Why can't you just be like a normal mom?' " Madonna said. "I just remind them about all the things that they have, and that if I didn't do what I did they wouldn't have those things."

When asked what those things include, the singer said, "They get to travel a lot, they get to do a lot of interesting things and meet a lot of interesting people. Usually that shuts them up!"

Of course, Madonna and Britney famously locked lips during a performance at the 2003 VMAs.

Late last month, Madonna weighed in on Miley Cyrus' recent photo scandal, saying, "I just want to go on record and say everyone should just leave her alone. I never represented anything wholesome in America ... I only had one way to go," she laughed. "People are just bored. Leave the poor girl alone! She's going to grow up soon, she's going to probably show her knees next — watch out!"

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